# 4.0.0-rc.0 * Breaking: Drops support for Node 0.12, we now require at least Node 4. * Breaking: Update PostCSS to 6.0.0. * Breaking: `removeAfterKeyword` is now set to `false` by default. This is to avoid incorrectly discarding emoji font families. * Removed support for compressing whitespace, this is now delegated to postcss-normalize-whitespace. # 1.0.5 * Resolves an issue where `var` would be removed from `font-family` values (@ben-eb). # 1.0.4 * Ignores duplicated `monospace` definitions (@ben-eb). # 1.0.3 * Resolves an issue where the module would remove quotes from font families that began with numbers (@ben-eb). # 1.0.2 * Upgraded postcss-value-parser to version 3 (@TrySound). # 1.0.1 * Add repository link to `package.json` (@TrySound). # 1.0.0 * Initial release (@TrySound).